Bounce Current Version: 0.4
Players: 1 - 4
Ages: 4 and up
Time: 3 - 10 min.
Components: 1 game board, 1-4 arrows, 1-4 counters, and 3 standard dice

Description: Bounce is a survival game of pure luck designed to test the patience and stomachs of every board gamer.  If there's one thing everyone loves, it's jumping on a trampoline.  You're at a party and you've eaten your fill.  You take off running and jump on to go as high as possible.  It's only then that you realize you should have waited. The jumping is making you queasy and you're going to vomit if you don't get off soon. Unfortunately, this thing is harder to get off than you realized when you're sick and there are other people bouncing.  You're only going to last so many jumps, and at this point, as sick as you feel, you're relying on good fortune to get off before throwing up and ruining the party.


Files: The print and play game can be downloaded here in four versions depending on how you want to print it.

Normal (Standard) Full Color Edition B/W Version Coloring page Version


Creative Commons License
Bounce by Deft Coyote Games is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.